Friday, April 16, 2010

Very First Blog Post

This week has been up and down. Vivy, my granddaughter has been visiting and that is always fun, playing outside, fixing countless cups of chocolate milk, watching "Buz and Woody" over and over, and waking up at all hours of the night. She is my darling, but she can sure tire me out.

Also, a very dear lady in our church passed away on Thursday. She had been so sick and frail. I really believe that she is in a better place, but she will be missed.

This morning there was a terrible house fire that killed a two year old and sent two other children to the burn unit. I heard it on the news early this morning. Then my mother called and told me that one of the children was a daughter of one of my cousins.

Amid all the laughter of my granddaughter in the house there has been sadness. Life is full of good and bad times. We just have to cherish the good and live through the bad. If you listen, the laughter is louder than the sadness.

1 comment:

  1. So sad about the fire and Sis. Sadie! My uncle was killed in a car fire when he was 2 years old. Of course none of us grandchildren never knew him but we have heard countless stories and feel as if we know everything about his short little life. I can't imagine the pain and worry the parents are going through! Definitely will keep them in our prayers! Love all your work! Keep it up!




Riley and Vivy

Riley and Vivy



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zoo trip girls

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Zoo trip